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Invited Seminars Given by Dr. Song

  1. X. Song, Engineering the energy conversion properties of oxide thermoelectric oxide, 2014 Professional Development Workshop in Ceramics, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, Sept. 4, 2014.

  2. X. Song, Functional Ceramics for Energy Applications, University of Central Florida, February, 2016.

  3. X. Song, Structure-Property Relationships for Functional Ceramics, Arizona State University, March 2016.

  4. X . Song, Functional Ceramics for Energy Applications, Department of Chemistry, West Virginia University, August 30, 2016.

  5. X. Song, Functional Ceramics for Energy Applications, Virginia Tech, April, 2015.

  6. X. Song, Advanced Functional Materials for Energy Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Dec 12, 2014.

  7. Xueyan Song , Nano structructured Functional Materials, at Sensors & Electron Devices Directorate, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, August 26, 2011.

  8. Xueyan Song , TEM, HREM, STEM and EELS Analysis of Materials, Seminar, at National Energy Technology Laboratory, Albany, OR, April 12, 2011.

  9. X. Song , J. Jiang, E. Hellstrom, D. Larbalestier, “Atomic structure and chemistry of dense nanoprecipitates in MgB2 superconductor”, Gordon Research Conference, Solid State Chemistry, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, August (2010).

Talks from Dr. Song during DOE Workshops

  1. X. Song  On-Demand Designing of Internal Surface Architecture of Porous Electrodes for Dramatic Enhancement of SOFC Performance and Durability, DOE- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program, Washington DC, April 29, 2019.

  2. X. Song, PHASE-II, Scalable Nano-Scaffold Architecture on the Internal Surface of SOFC Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization, DOE- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program, June 13, 2018.

  3. X. Song, On-Demand Designing of Cathode Internal Surface Architecture for Dramatic Enhancement of SOFC Performance and Durability, Xueyan Song, DOE- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program, June 13, 2018.

  4. X. Song, PHASE-II, Scalable Nano-Scaffold Architecture on the Internal Surface of SOFC Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization, Xueyan Song, DOE- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program, December 13, 2017.

  5. X. Song, On-Demand Designing of Cathode Internal Surface Architecture for Dramatic Enhancement of SOFC Performance and Durability, Xueyan Song, DOE- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program, December 13, 2017.

  6. X. Song, Scalable Nano-Scaffold Architecture on the Internal Surface of SOFC Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization, Xueyan Song, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, June 13, 2017.

  7. X. Song, Novel Nanostructure Tailored Highly Active and Stable Electro-Catalytic Architecture on Surface of Cathode of SOFCs, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, June 12, 2017.

  8. X. Song, Ceramic High Temperature Thermoelectric Heat Exchanger and Heat Recuperators in the Power Generation Systems, DOE cross-cutting program review, Pittsburg, March 28, 2017.

  9.   X. Song, Scalable Nano-Scaffold Architecture on the Internal Surface of SOFC Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization, Xueyan Song, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, July 19, 2016.

  10. X. Song, Novel Nanostructure Tailored Highly Active and Stable Electro-Catalytic Architecture on Surface of Cathode of SOFCs, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, July 19, 2016.

  11. X. Song, Ceramic High Temperature Thermoelectric Heat Exchanger and Heat Recuperators in the Power Generation Systems, DOE cross-cutting program review, Pittsburg, April 21, 2016.

  12. X. Song, Yun Chen, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Dec. 4, 2015.

  13. X. Song, Yun Chen, Novel Nanostructure Tailored Highly Active and Stable Electro-Catalytic Architecture on Surface of Cathode of SOFCs, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, July 12, 2015.

Conferences Presentations from Dr. Song

(The following list is the presentations given by Dr. Xueyan Song only. The presentations with the contribution from X. Song are not listed).


  1. X. Song, Y. Chen, K. Gerdes, Additive Dual Nano Catalysts to Accelerate Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Cathode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, 236th ECS, Atlanta, GA, Oct 15, 2019. 

  2. X. Song, Yun Chen, Harry Abernathy, Gregory Hackett, and Kirk Gerdes, Interface and Grain Boundary Degradation of Cathode from Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Induced by Electrochemical Operation in Humidified Air, 235th ECS, Dallas, TX, May 27, 2019.

  3. X. Song, Yun Chen, and Kirk Gerdes Atomic Layer Deposition to Design Internal Surface of Porous Electrode for Accelerating Charge and Mass Transfer in Fuel Cells. 235th ECS, Dallas, TX, May 27, 2019.

  4. X. Song, Yun Chen, Harry Abernathy, Gregory Hackett, and Kirk Gerdes, Impact of the Humidity on the Nanostructure Degradation of Ionic Conductor YSZ from Electrodes of SOFCs upon Electrochemical Operation, San Antonio, Texas, March 12, 2019.

  5. X. Song, Yun Chen, Effective Approaches for Dramatically Enhancing the Thermoelectric Properties of Various Oxide Ceramics Through Engineering the Grain Boundaries, San Antonio, Texas, March 12, 2019.

  6. Xueyan Song, Yun Chen; Harry Abernathy; Gregory Hackett; Kirk Gerdes; Evidence of Space Charge Layer Evolution at YSZ Grain Boundaries in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes Operated Using Humidified Hydrogen, MS&T 2018, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH, October 17, 2018.

  7. Xueyan Song, Yun Chen; Yueying Fan; Shiwoo Lee; Gregory Hackett; Harry Abernathy; Kirk Gerdes, Nanostructure Degradation at LSM/YSZ and YSZ/YSZ Grain Boundaries in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes Operated in Humidified Air, MS&T 2018, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH, October 17, 2018.

  8. X. Song, Competing Dopants Grain Boundary Segregation and Resultant Seebeck Coefficient and Power Factor Enhancement of Thermoelectric Calcium Cobaltite Ceramics, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov.29, 2017.

  9. X. Song, Nanostructure Degradation of LSM/YSZ Interface from the Active Layer of the SOFC Cathode Operated with Elevated Steam Content,DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, June 12, 2017.

  10. X. Song, Evidence of the Space Charge Layer Evolution at the YSZ Grain Boundaries upon Long-Term Electrochemical Operation of Solid Fuel Cells, ECS 2016, Hawaii, October 5, 2016.

  11. X. Song, Evidence of the Space Charge Layer Evolution at the YSZ Grain Boundaries upon Long-Term Electrochemical Operation of Solid Fuel Cells, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, July 19, 2016.

  12. Xueyan Song, Cullen Boyle, Paulo Carvillo, Yun Chen, Ever Barbero, Dustin McIntyre, Paul Barnes, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance Calcium Cobaltite through Cation Grain Boundary Segregation, TMS-2016, Nashville, TN, Feb 14-18, 2016

  13. X. Song, Yun Chen, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Dec. 4, 2015.

  14. X. Song, Yun Chen, TEM analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Nov. 20, 2015.

  15. X. Song, Cullen Boyle, Paulo Carvillo, Yun Chen, Significant Bi Grain Boundary Segregation and Thermoelectric Performance Enhancement of Calcium Cobaltite with Bi Substitution of Ca, MS&T, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 7, 2015.

  16. X. Song, Yun Chen, Ceramic High Temperature Thermoelectric Heat Exchanger and Heat Recuperators for Power Generation Systems, DOE cross-cutting program review, Pittsburg, April 29, 2015.

  17. X. Song, Sergio Calvillo Gonzalez, Yun Chen, Ever J Barbero, Enhanced Electrical Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Ca3Co4O9 Induced by Non-Stoichiometric Cu Addition and the Simultaneous Formation of the Nano-Lamella Secondary Phase, Boston, MA, MRS-Fall meeting, Dec 4, 2014.

  18. X. Song, Y. Chen, S. Lee, K. Gerdes, Long Term Operation Stability of Interfacial Nanostructure from the Anode and Cathode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Boston, MA, MRS-Fall meeting, Dec 4, 2014.

  19. X. Song, Yun Chen, Ever J Barbero, Nanostructure Origin of Thermoelectric Performance Enhancement of Calcium Cobaltite with Bi Doping, Boston, MA, MRS-Fall meeting, Dec 4, 2014.

  20. X. Song, Y. Chen, S. Lee, K. Gerdes, Long Term Operation Stability of Interfacial Nanostructure from the Anode and Cathode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, July 22, 2014.

  21. X. Song,  Novel Engineered Nanostructured Complex Oxide Thermoelectric Materials for High Temperature Power Generation, NSF Ceramic PI Workshop, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, June. 19, 2014.

  22. X. Song, Y. Chen, S. Lee, K. Gerdes, Fuel and Operation Dependence of Interfacial Nanostructure from the Anode and Cathode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, ECS, Orlando, FL, May 22, 2014.

  23. X. Song, Y. Chen, M. Torres, D. Palacio, E. Barbero, E. L.Thomas, P. N. Barnes, Army Research Laboratory, USA, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties of Ceramic Ca3Co4O9+δ through Doping and Addition of Nano-inclusions, Electronic Materials and Applications 2013, Orlando, Jan. 24, 2013.

  24. Xueyan Song, Yun Chen, Song Chen, Gregory Hackett, Harry Finklea, John Zondlo, Ismail Celik, Kirk Gerdes. Fuel Dependence of Interfacial Nanostructure from the Anode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, Nov. 30, 2012.

  25. Xueyan Song, Yun Chen, Song Chen, Ever Barbero, Evan L Thomas, Paul Barnes, Significant Enhancement of Electrical Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Ca3Co4O9+δ through Yb Doping, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, Nov. 28, 2012.

  26. Xueyan Song, Yun Chen, Song Chen, Gregory Hackett, Harry Finklea, John Zondlo, Ismail Celik, Kirk Gerdes. Fuel Dependence of Interfacial Nanostructure from the Anode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, DOE- Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), Pittsburg, July 24, 2012.

  27. Xueyan Song, Xueqin Chen, Song Chen, Yun Chen, Ever J Barbero, Evan Thomas, Paul N Barnes, High Performance Pure Ca3Co4O9 Thermoelectric Bulk Materials and Their Properties and Nanostructure Evolution upon High Temperature Annealing, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April. 13, 2012.

  28. Xueyan Song, Xueqin Chen, Song Chen, Yun Chen, Ever J Barbero, Evan Thomas, Paul N Barnes, High Performance Pure Ca3Co4O9 Thermoelectric Bulk Materials and Their Properties and Nanostructure Evolution upon High Temperature Annealing, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April. 13, 2012. West Virginia Academy of Science, STaR Conference, at West Virginia State University, April 20 and 21, 2012

  29. Xueyan Song, Song Chen, Yun Chen, Gregory Hackett, Harry Finklea, and Kirk Gerdes, 220th ECS Meeting, -Boston, MA, Oct-9-14, 2011

  30. Xueyan Song, Microstructure And Chemistry Of Ni/YSZ Anode For Cells Operated In H2, Syngas And Syngas Containing PH3, 12th Annual SECA Workshop, July 26-28, 2011, Pittsburg, PA.

  31. X. Song, Y. Chen, S. Chen, H. Finklea, G. Hackett, K. Gerdes, “Microstructure and chemistry evolution of triple phase boundaries in the anode of solid oxide fuel cells”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, December (2010).

  32. X. Song, J. Jiang, E. Hellstrom, D. Larbalestier, “Atomic structure and chemistry of dense nanoprecipitates in MgB2 superconductor”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April (2010).

  33. X. Song, D. Xu, J. Huang, L. Mawst, T. Kuech, S. Babcock, “Nanostructure of GaAsSbN/InP quantum wells grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on InP substrates”, The 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August (2007).

  34. X. Song, T. F Kuech, S. E Babcock, “Structural origins of the systematic crystallographic tilt in micron-sized InAs islands on (100) GaAs”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April (2007).

  35. X. Song, M. Feldmann, A. Gurevich, Z. Chen, D. Larbalestier, “Nano structure evolution of YBCO films through doping”, 12th US-Japan workshop on High Performance Superconductors, Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, October (2005).

  36. X. Song, M. Feldmann, D. Larbalestier, “Nano precipitates flux pinning centers induced through doping YBCO CCs”, Air Force-AFOSR HTS Coated Conductor Review, Orlando, FL. January (2005).

  37. X. Song, M. Feldmann, S. Kim, D. Larbalestier, “Grain boundary structure of high performance YBCO coated conductors”, Air Force-AFOSR HTS Coated Conductor Review, Orlando, FL. January (2005).

  38. X. Song , D. Larbalestier, “Beauty of superconductors at the nanoscale”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, October (2004).

  39. X. Song , S. Kim, M. Feldmann, D. Larbalestier, “Nanostructure and defects of 270 A/cm MOD YBCO coated conductors”, Workshop of Wire Development Group - Department of Energy, Madison, Wisconsin, June (2004).

  40. X. Song , M. Feldmann, D. Larbalestier, R. Feenstra, “Intragranular defects and intergranular crystallography of thick film YBCO coated conductor”, Air Force-AFOSR HTS Coated Conductor Review, St. Petersburg, FL. January (2004).

  41. X. Song , V. Braccini, D. Larbalestier, P. Canfield, “Nanostructure and chemistry of pure and carbon-doped MgB2”, 2003 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, December (2003).

  42. X. Song , G. Daniels, A. Gurevich, D. Larbalestier, “Variability of grain boundary microstructure in YBCO thin film bicrystals”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2003, San Antonio, Texas, August (2003).

  43. X. Song , G. Daniels, A. Gurevich and D. Larbalestier, “Ca-doped and pure YBCO low angle grain boundaries, faceting and atomic structure”, Air Force-AFOSR HTS Coated Conductor Review, St. Petersburg, FL. January (2003).

  44. X. Song , V. Braccini, D. Larbalestier, “Nanostructural characterization of electromagnetically characterized bulk MgB2, intergranular structure and possible spinodal decomposition”, NSF- UW-MRSEC site Visit, Madison, WI, November (2002).

  45. X. Song , G. Daniels and D. Larbalestier, “Ca doped and pure YBCO thin film [001]-tilt low angle grain boundaries”, Air Force-AFOSR HTS Coated Conductor Review, Madison, WI, May (2002).

  46. X. Song , L. Cooley, J. Jiang, D. Larbalestier, “Nano-structural characterization of polycrystalline perovskite MgCNi3 superconductor”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, November (2001).

  47. X. Song , C. Eom, A. Polyanskii, D. Larbalestier, “Anisotropy grain morphology and crystallographic texture in polycrystalline MgB2 superconductors”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, November (2001).

  48. X. Song , S. Babcock, C. Eom, D. Larbalestier, “Anisotropic grain morphology and crystallographic texture in polycrystalline MgB2 thin films”, Sintered Pellets and Filaments, Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC), Madison, WI, July (2001).

  49. X. Song , G. Daniels, J. Reeves, D. Larbalestier, S. Babcock, “Comparisons of microstructure in pure and Ca doped YBCO epitaxial thin film bicrystal grain boundaries”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (MRS), Boston, MA, November (2000).

  50. X. Song , G. Daniels, J. Reeves, D. Larbalestier, S. Babcock, “Variability of grain boundary microstructure in thin film bicrystals”, Topical Workshop on Interfaces Grain Boundaries in High Temperature Superconductors, Williamsburg, VA, September, (2000).

  51. X. Song , Z. Zhang, Q. Wang, R. Vilar, “Microstructure evolution of bcc structure related Ti-Zr-Ni phases in non-stoichiometric Zr-based Zr-Ti-Mn-V-Ni hydride electrode alloys”, TMS Fall Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, November (1999).

  52. X. Song, A. Almeida, R. Vilar, Crystallographic structure of Al-Mo alloy Synthesized by laser surface alloying, Euro-Mat, Munich, October (1999).

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